Thursday 2 December 2010

"Attaining the knowledge of the mind of God in the Scripture"

In a previous post we saw our need to be sweating over the text in dilligent study as we seek to understand and apply Scripture. However, we must not neglect our need to also be sweating over the text in prayer. If we are merely working hard with the text and neglecting to wrestle with God in prayer that He might open our eyes to see the glorious truths of His word then we cannot expect to understand it. This is what John Owen recognised. Listen to these words: 
I suppose ... this may be fixed on as a common principle of Christianity; namely, that constant and fervent prayer for the divine assistance of the Holy Spirit, is such an indispensable means for ... attaining the knowledge of the mind of God in the Scripture, as that without it all others will not [avail]. (Works, IV, p. 203.)