Please join us in praying for our brothers and sisters in Iraq. We shouldn't be suprised at such violence against Christians, Jesus promised that His people would face opposition and persecution from the world around them. In God's soverign purposes it is often when the church is most viciously persecuted that the gospel spreads the most (Acts 8:1-8).
Please pray that our brothers and sisters would continue to stand firm and not be ashamed of belonging to Jesus, even if this means death; that by the way they endure such suffering they would testify that Jesus is more precious than life itself. Pray that this terrible violence might serve to advance the gospel like never before in Iraq. Also pray that the Iraqi Christians would have great wisdom when to stay and when to go.
Here are a few links giving more details on what has been happening in Iraq to help you pray more informedly:
- Church in Chains article from 2nd November.
- Barnabas Fund article from 4th November.
- Barnabas Fund article from 11th November.